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1 October 2015

Lawsons (Whetstone) Ltd timber merchants aspire to adopt and apply the principles of sustainable development to meet our needs in the present without affecting the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.

Lawsons will aspire to achieve this aim by the following measures:

  1. To monitor and improve the company's environmental performance on a continual basis.This will be achieved by following the guidance to BS8555 2003:
    “The phased implementation of an environmental management system including the use of environmental performance evaluation” (via Project Acorn). This system will beused as a stepwise approach towards achieving ISO14001 accreditation in due course.
  2. We will seek to adopt the highest available environmental standards in all our areas of operation in so far as is reasonably practical.
  3. We shall use the principles of waste minimization and energy conservation to optimize our business performance and minimize our impact on the environment.
  4.  We will adopt an environmentally sound transport strategy, purchase fuel efficient vehicles and operate the fleet to maximum overall efficiency.
  5.  Assess the environmental impacts of the company's operation now and in the future and set in place measures to minimize pollution arising there from.
  6.  We expect our suppliers to adopt similar environmental standards.
  7.  That health, safety and environmental practices and procedures are of the highest standard.
    Any employee who sees anything, which they believe to be a health, safety or environmental risk, should immediately report the matter to a supervisor or manager.