Now summer has arrived it is now time to be thinking about that new patio. Just imagine how proud you will feel when you invite your friends round for that traditional barbeque. Here is our easy to follow guide for forming that perfect area
Tools you will need to lay your garden patio paving
- String / Ranging Line - key to a straight base.
- Rubber Mallet - knock the patio slabs in place without cracking them
- Shovel - clear out and prepare the foundation.
- Spirit Level - you need to make sure the levels are right.
- Trowel for pointing - for the finishing touches.
- Stiff Broom - brush away all the excess mess.
- PPE Personal Protection Equipment such as Goggles and Gloves - safety first!
How to lay a Garden Patio using Decorative Concrete Slabs or Natural Stone Paving
- Make your choice: Lawsons carry a comprehensive range of both Natural Stone and Concrete Paving so your first job is choosing the right range and then ordering, this can be done online or by visiting one of our many branches. Always remember to allow a few extra to allow for any cutting that may be required. Whilst ordering your paving don’t forget to also order your bedding material i.e. M.O.T Type 1 Sub-base, 20mm Ballast, Sharp Sand, Soft Building Sand and Cement.
- Prepare the area: Once you’ve decided on the area, mark out with timber stakes (Site Pegs) and loop a ranging line (string) outlining the area, alternatively use timber boarding nailed to stakes. If you are butting up to your house make sure your finished level is at least 150mm below your damp course (dpc). Dig out to a depth of 150mm and don’t forget to incorporate a slight slope, 1 in 60, away from your property, this will prevent puddles forming.
- Laying the Base: Once you have removed all unrequired material it is now time to create your base foundation. This can be done be using a Ballast and Cement mix (6 parts Ballast to 1 part Cement with just enough water to form a semi dry mix) or Type 1 compacted with a ‘wacker plate’ which can be hired from your local plant hire company. Use enough material to form 75mm finished thickness, if using the Ballast mix tamp down with a length or substantial timber.
- Mortar Bed: Mix a 6:1 (6 parts Sharp Sand and 1 part Cement) laying mortar being careful not to make too wet as slab should be supported without sinking.
- Paving Laying: Set string lines from side to side as a depth guide and ones from back to front as a guide to the fall. Starting in a corner, usually against the property, apply enough laying mortar to cover a slightly larger area of the entire slab, use enough to allow for levelling which is done by tapping down the slab with a Rubber Mallet. Once you are happy with the position and level move onto the next slab, working outwards from the corner, and don’t forget to allow the required joint width between slabs for pointing later. Please allow at least a full day before walking on as this will allow the mortar to harden sufficiently.
- Pointing: Pointing can be done by using one of the readymixed pointing mortars or by a 3:1 (3 parts Sand and 1 part Cement) mix of Soft Building Sand and Cement. Add enough water to form a smooth paste and trowel into the joints taking care not to getting any onto the slab surface, should this occur purchase some mortar stain remover and wash off when dry.
- Finally: Once your pointing has hardened, give a good sweep, step back and admire your perfect patio.