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5 Top Tips to Prepare Your Garden Fence for Winter

5 Top Tips to Prepare Your Garden Fence for Winter

Autumn is well underway; darkness is drawing in sooner and the weather is getting colder. Leaves are falling and although the colours might be beautiful, some DIY is in order. Without adequate preparation, the harsher weather conditions that start making an appearance as we transition into winter will wreak havoc on various aspects of your garden, such as your wooden fence. Take precautions!  Here are some tips:


1. Assess for Weak Spots 

Start by taking a stroll along your fence and check for any signs of damage, like rot or decay. Essentially, you need to establish if your fence is likely to survive winter in its current condition. If the answer is no then you might need to replace some fence panels or just fix the weak spots.


2. Clear Away Leaves and Debris 

Leaves and other types of debris tend to trap moisture so when they’re left at the base of your fence, they might cause the timber to decay faster than what it would naturally.


3. Waterproof Your Fence 

Using wood oils and preservers will prevent your fence from becoming damaged by rain, snow and other moisture. Ideally, you should re-treat your fence every couple of years. After all, the more you take care of your fence, the more likely it is to last longer.


4. Remove Low Hanging Branches 

If there are any weak or low hanging tree branches near your fence, you’d be wise to remove them before it’s too late. In the wind and the rain the branches may break off and cause damage to your fence.


5. Ensure Posts are Secure

Your fence posts should be fixed at least three feet deep into the soil so that remain secure, even when the frost threatens to destruct. If you’re not careful, the fence posts might snap and the neighbouring panels will drop. Be sure to check your posts regularly and fix them promptly if they appear to be leaning.