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4 Things Every Tradesman Can Relate To

29 May 2019
4 Things Every Tradesman Can Relate To

Not everyone is cut out to be a successful tradesman; it takes a particular set of skills, an extremely strong work ethic and sometimes even a thick skin! We speak to lots of tradesmen day in and day out and have noticed some common things that they can all relate to. From being asked for a left handed screw driver to the weather app being your new best friend we have collated a list of 4 things that every tradesman can relate to!


Experiencing the pranks from both angles

Everyone has to start somewhere when it comes to work and in the trades business this is very often as an apprentice. Going to the builders merchant to search for a ‘long-wait’, a replacement bubble for the spirit level or a left handed spanner are common on the list of practical jokes that we have heard about. The transformation from pranked to pranker comes with time and experience!


The January rush for self-assessments

Organised tradesmen will find this time of year a breeze and agree with the well-known saying ‘tax shouldn’t have to be taxing’. However a lot of people can be found scrambling to get everything together in the weeks after Christmas ready for the self-assessments in January.


The weather forecast means more to you than ever before

From rained off days in the winter (or summer!) to those farmer tan lines that are worked on all summer, the weather app is one of the most used on tradesmen’s phones. When working on an outdoor site in the UK a tradesman needs to be prepared for all kinds of weather while also be ready for the possibility of a day’s work being rained or snowed off now and then.


‘A quick favour’

Being a tradesman can sometimes leave you in some tricky situations when it comes to knowing when to say no.  When you’re Nan needs some help putting a shelf up or your little sister asks for advice on laying lawn it’s a no brainer and most of us would be straight there. However it’s only a matter of time before friends and family start to ask for bigger favours to be done for free and that’s where the line needs to be drawn.