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3 Business Tips for Landscape Gardeners

27 March 2019
3 Business Tips for Landscape Gardeners

If you work for yourself as a landscape gardener, there are lots of things to think about to make sure it is a successful venture. The great thing about landscape gardening is you don’t need any qualifications, just register with HMRC and away you go. However, although you might be fantastic in the garden, you need to be able to understand a little bit about how to run a business. We’re here to help, with the three following tips:

1. Find Some Customers

There are many ways to build up a client base, so try and experiment until you find one that works well for you. You could have a website designed and built, but that will require some investment. Other marketing strategies are also an option, such as signs, posters or flyers. Social media is another fantastic option as it’s widely popular and doesn’t cost you a penny if you manage it yourself. Word of mouth is a great way to get new customers, and it’s free, so make sure to keep people happy and build solid relationships and your clients will be sure to pass on your details.

2. Get the Right Insurance

Insurance is vital and there are different types depending on various factors. For example, if you employ other people (even on a temporary basis), you’ll need employer’s liability insurance. If it’s just you, you’ll probably be fine with public liability insurance, but be sure to check. Not having the correct insurance will lead to a fine.

3. Prepare for Winter

Landscape gardeners tend to rely on nicer weather to carry out their practical work. With that said, you need to prepare for the colder months when there may not be enough demand. You could perfect another skill and offer that as a service instead, or be sure to save up enough money during the warmer months to carry you through winter.