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Why You Should Install Artificial Grass This Autumn

25 October 2017
Why You Should Install Artificial Grass This Autumn

Now that the warm weather is dying down (or disappeared long ago but we hold out hope), most people turn their attention to the interior of their homes rather than their gardens, but it’s actually the perfect time to make some upgrades outdoors. You can still enjoy many of the benefits of artificial grass, even if you’re not spending most of your time outside.

Benefits of Artificial Grass

One of the biggest benefits of artificial grass is the lack of mud. Namgrass is installed on a sturdy base that separates it from the mud and groundwater, and is then weighed down using sand, so once the grass is in place you don’t need to worry about children or pets stamping muddy foot/paw prints around the house when they’ve been outside.

Many people looking for low-maintenance gardens opt for large patios or decks, or even replace the entire lawn with non-permeable surfaces. While this does mean that you don’t need to mow a lawn, using these surfaces means that water gathers in puddles, runs off elsewhere, and you don’t get the simple pleasure of lying in the grass in the sun when the weather permits. Using artificial grass instead means that water can pass through into the ground like it does with normal grass (although sometimes the rate is a little slower) but you still enjoy a mess-free and stress-free garden.

Even, Beautiful Coverage

Through autumn and winter, standard lawns often develop bald patches, where your family might walk over the same spot over and over again to hang up washing, get bikes out of the shed, or just walk around the garden. With an artificial lawn, you get an even, beautiful coverage all through the year, even in the most high-traffic areas.

Finally, if you like to give the dog some space to run around without going on a full walk, you might just let it out in the garden. Unlike standard lawns, artificial grass can’t be dug up so you know your garden will look the same once playtime is over!