Moving house? Taking on a new project at home, or are you helping a friend with some moving and decorating? Whether you need tools for DIY, home improvements and even upcycling, we have a defined must-have list for you to start putting together your own toolkit.
Invest in a toolbox to begin
Where are you going to put all your new tools when you get them? Have a nice large box ready to be organised once you’ve got everything you need to add to your toolbox. One that has a handle makes it easy to carry and take with you wherever you go.
A series of screwdrivers, or a screwdriver where you can interchange the bits or hex keys, is an essential piece of kit for any handyman or DIY enthusiast. Ready to use with flat pack furniture or to set up chairs and other little bits around the home you’ll be set. Don’t forget to get a set of allen keys as well.
Cordless drill
A cordless drill means you can charge your drill and take it with you as you work without the need to be near a switch. A drill is also essential for being a part of almost every DIY job, so it’s worth putting the money into a good combi drill.
Not just any set of hammers, but a claw hammer that can pull out nails and a lump hammer for hitting nails into place. Again, these are ideal for all sorts of DIY jobs around the home and building furniture.
A set of pliers and cutters
For the ficklest of jobs and pulling out difficult screws and nails, pliers are always handy for reaching those awkward bits. Cutters can then come in handy when pulling things out isn’t doing the job, as well as being a great tool for wire handling and the more complicated DIY jobs. Ensure these both have insulated handles to avoid any electrical shocks.
A tape measure and spirit level
You can’t really go far without the staples of your everyday toolbox. Make sure they’re both of good quality to save you buying new ones later on down the line, and make sure they’re of a decent length and size for measuring.
Electrical/coloured tape
Great for marking wires and any unsafe materials as you work through your DIY project, and it is imperative that you use it wherever possible, especially when you’re working with electrics.
Screws, plugs and nails
Buy a kit with all of these inside. You’ll find that different plugs work for different kinds of walls and how much they’re able to support at a time. It’s good to have a nice selection of screws, plugs and nails for different uses so that you can pull them out as and when needed.
Be prepared for your next DIY project with these essentials in your toolbox and don’t feel too overwhelmed the next time you need to get the box out.